      recid = {4309},
      title = {Aniedo Udoh},
      publisher = {Charlotte Mecklenburg Library (N.C.)},
      address = {Charlotte (N.C.). 2022-11-20},
      abstract = {The Living Archives welcomes Aniedo Udoh to our project.  This interview was conducted by undergraduate Capstone  students in the Queens University Knight School of  Communication in Fall 2022.
The Living Archives Project  (www.livingarchivesclt.org) is a collaboration between the  Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, the Levine Museum, Johnson C  Smith University and the Duke Center for Documentary  Studies. The project aims to capture and preserve the  stories of marginalized communities in Mecklenburg County  through the COVID-19 pandemic. These communities are rarely  included in traditional archives and this effort will  preserve those stories for generations of researchers and  descendants in the future. We are scheduling interviews  with anyone who would like to share and archive their  pandemic experience through 2023.},
      url = {http://vault.cmlibrary.org/record/4309},